Archive for februar 2009


Hvor dumme – og inkompetente – må bestyrelser og topledere egentlig være … ?

februar 27, 2009

Loftet er højt, når talen falder på den tilladte inkompetence på de højeste niveuaer i erhvervslivet.

Logikken i den pensionsordning, der tilfalder en tidligere (ny fyret) direktør for Royal Bank of Scotland, skal man i hvert fald være både blind, døv, dum og vel intet mindre end skingrende sindsyg for at kunne se logikken i.

Læs selv om vanviddet her: Britisk bankchef fordobler sin pension

Som vi alle ved, så ser det desværre ikke bedre ud i dansk erhvervsliv, der desværre har ladet sig smitte af grådighedsbacillen, som tidligere mest var et amerikansk fænomen.

Det store spørgsmål er naturligvis, hvad vi skal gøre ved det. Eller rettere sagt kan gøre ved det, når toppen i erhvervslivet er udstyret med en manglende pædagogisk rækkevidde, der vel kun overgås af et par hardcore personligheder i indvandrer- og rockerbanderne …..


Dagens eftertanke

februar 26, 2009

“The money I have is in direct proportion to the value I’ve given to others. The more I give of myself, incredibly, the more economic power comes my way.”

— Tod Barnhart, Author


Kick-start din dag

februar 24, 2009

I dette blogindlæg finder du 16 måder at kick-starte din dag på. Hav en god dag.



Dagens citat

februar 22, 2009

“The difference between great people and everyone else is that great people create their lives actively, while everyone else is created by their lives, passively waiting to see where life takes them next. The difference between the two is the difference between living fully and just existing.”

— Michael E. Gerber, forfatter til bogen “The E-Myth Revisited”


Det er en mening med livet …

februar 19, 2009

We were not created to be eaten by anxiety, but to walk erect, free, unafraid in a world where there is work to do, truth to seek, love to give and win.”

— Joseph Ford Newton, forfatter


Vi bliver dummere dag for dag …

februar 16, 2009

Her er en spændende video podcast, der lidt provokerende påstår (beviser?), at vi bliver dummere og dummere jo mere TV, vi ser …. Heldigvis fortæller videoen (er det også TV??? ,-)) også lidt om, hvad der måske skal til for, at vi kan genopbygge vores IQ (intelligens eller dele af den).


Brain fitness – hold hjernen i form

februar 14, 2009

Her er en liste med 10 af de bedste bøger inden for kategorien “Brain Fitness” –


Dagens citat

februar 12, 2009

“Make each day useful and cheerful and prove that you know the worth of time by employing it well. Then youth will be happy, old age without regret and life a beautiful success.

— Louisa May Alcott, 1832-1888, Author


Teambuilding har aldrig været vigtigere … sådan overlever din virksomhed i krisetider

februar 9, 2009

I nedenstående blogindlæg argumenterer Cindy Diamond for, at teambuilding er en af de vigtigste og bedste investeringer, virksomhederne kan foretage i disse krisetider. Ganske enkelt fordi målet med teambuilding er at skabe en vis grad af stabilitet og tillid internt i organisationen og i de forskellige teams som modpol til den usikkerhed og uro, der påføres “udefra”. Hvad mener du om teambuilding som krise-intervention?

Most of today’s organizations function in a team setting. These may be cross functional or functional internal teams, client service teams made from internal and external service providers, or other member compositions. Stability is an essential component to the success of these teams. Why? Because teams go through many stages before they become high performing — namely: forming, storming, norming and finally, performing. Stabilty makes teams more efficient and effective at doing their jobs.

In today’s recessionary, lay-off laden environment, stability is simply not a reality. Does this mean organizations are going to suffer from less efficient and less effective teams? Most likely. Now, more than ever, organizational leadership must prioritize team building amongst it’s highest goals or risk suffering an even greater setback from the loss of team members and the environment of uncertainty we are in.

Why team building? Because trust has suffered a great blow in organizations and this hinders cooperation amongst teams that have been newly formed or have lost or changed members. Organized team building sessions, with the assistance and direction of an objective, outside facilitator, helps team members build trust with each other. Specific trust building activities, such as sharing personal histories, viewingthe situation from each others perspectives and understanding motivations leads to an increase in cooperation, admiration, and, ultimately, trust. Once this trust has been established, teams can develop shared goals based on the passions of individual team members. Cooperative, trusting team members will then be able to work together to meet the team goals and help each other embrace their passions and contribute their best to the team.

Teams that spend a lot of time “forming” and/or “storming” typically don’t move the needle on accomplishments as quickly as teams that are high performing. The essential difference between these stages is trust and, as a by product, cooperation and shared goals. The relatively small investment of time and money it takes to bring in a facilitator and set aside a few days a quarter for team building will pay back multiple times in the efficiency realized by teams that work well together and have developed a team perspective on where they want to go and how to get there. And, after all, in the end it’s all about the people!


Cindy Diamond, Founder and CEO, IGNiTE, facilitating strategy and innovation – indlæg på hendes blog fra den 3. februar 2009 med titlen; “Facilitating Team Building in a Time of Uncertainty”.


Shut Up & Learn

februar 7, 2009

“I remind myself every morning: Nothing I say this day will
teach me anything. So if I’m going to learn, I must do it by
— Larry King